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Presentation Video


This type of production is extremely versatile, and extremely pertinent in our current era. Today, static, and monotonous supports are inconceivable to stay relevant, by means of this engaging and creative configuration, you are assured to grasp your key audience’s attention.  This format spreads your message in a dynamic manner through the presentation video. This type of video covers a plethora of presentation topics: corporate, product, event, project, service, a strategy, ect… Depending on your key audience, the video will have a different angle, for instance for a corporate video, the goal is to expose your activity, but also your brand values, moreover your work environment, with the aim to attract potential candidates. Why use it? Presentation videos allow you to stay memorable, the numbers speak for themselves :  50% of people retain information delivered through video versus 10% for people that read the information. 

Long story short, this support allows you to be memorable, modern, impactful, more visible, easier to access, increase your visibility and majorly facilitates distribution. 

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