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Portrait Picture 


The use of backgrounds, poses and lighting is a remarkably prominent manner to capture a person's personality, identity, soul, and emotions via portrait photography. 

Portrait photography can be commercial or artistic which has very different goals.

When it comes to art photography, the main purpose of portrait photography is to capture beautiful images that seem natural and enable a subject's personality to shine through. 

There are also numerous commercial applications that require portrait photos, such as passports, biographical profiles, security passes, and other documentation.  

The equipment used by a photographer transpires in the production; it permits the only main goal of a portrait to be to successfully capture the person's character in the image.

Portrait photography can be commercial or artistic which has very different goals. This type of technique for art purposes is designed to capture beautiful images in a natural way, so as to bring out a subject's true personality. A photographer's equipment is exploited for the best result in production; it allows a portrait to be essentially about capturing the subject. 



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